Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trouble Spots: Shoes

I can't help myself, I just really love organizing. 
Well, at least the concept of organizing and the end results. And if it requires a trip to The Container Store then the 'doing' part too :) (why does any form of shopping at all make me excited?)
As I mentioned here I'm attacking my house with the intention being to start the new year fully organized and feeling great. 
I started with my closet and it's coming along really well but while I was sorting through all my clothing I noticed that the real problem in my bedroom are the shoes. 
Yes, I admit it I LOVE SHOES!! 

like these... 
Jimmy Choo 
Jimmy Choo
and these 
Christian Louboutin 
Christian Louboutin
and these
Miu Miu 
Miu Miu 

I digress, Sorry!  
The problem is that I haven't found a great way to store them. Them being over 25 pairs (yeesh!)

Here are some examples of ways to store shoes that I probably won't be doing: 
The Shoe Wheel
Auston Shoe Storage Bench
Shoe Bench
Product Image Storage Solutions 15-Pair Shoe Cubby Purple
Shoe Cubby
 I'm looking more for solutions like these: 
mariah carey's shoe closet
Mariah Carey's Closet
Christina Aguilera's Closet 
Tamara Mellon's Closet, Co-Founder of Jimmy Choo

Whew! That was fun!
For now here are some options I'm looking at: 
50 Pair Shoe Rack 

Plastic Boot Boxes - Set of 2

or even just using a simple bookcase 
BILLY Bookcase system white Width: 78 3/4 " Depth: 11 " Height: 79 1/2 "  Width: 200 cm Depth: 28 cm Height: 202 cm
to arrange them on. 

While I figure this conundrum out enjoy this great roundup from Apartment Therapy's Re-Nest 
including these fun ideas...

seriously considering this option! 
How many pairs of shoes do you have? How do you store them?
  Don't leave me standing here all alone in my shoe craziness! 


  1. I have A LOT! Too much too count...But right now they are just lined up on the bottom of my closet-so I am in the same position as you...

  2. I have too many shoes. In fact, my closet looks like a bomb went off in it! It is a disaster. It needs organized badly. My shoes are scattered along the bottom of my closet. I really need to clean my closet out and get rid of the things I no longer use. Sigh....must be motivated first!

  3. My shoe collection is a problem too. Luckily I have shelving in my close that holds most of them. The rest are in bins. Thanks for stopping by and for your nice comment. It's nice to meet you!

  4. that should have said "in my closet" ;)

  5. ugh, i'm embarrassed to say how many i have! it's an addiction! i DEFinitely need to rethink the storage situation, too. keep us posted on what you end up doing! love seeing the inspiration! XOXO

  6. I have a linen closet in my bathroom that I've turned into a shoe closet. I have way more shoes than linens!


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